Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Completed assignments

1 Day in history (creative piece)
2 stories (boys tennis and Japan relief story)
2 VSOTS (Icettes and thoroughly modern millie)
I have also done all the jobs!
I didn't post any of my projects due to time but I can show them all to you!

7th Blog!

So this week we are taking over as the Flash on the last day of school. We are using their format and doing the same amount of stories as them and we will even have some credits! Oh and we get to use the famous Flash chairs as well! How exciting. I'm actually excited to do it because it's like our debut to the school as the incoming Flash students. I hope we don't mess it up too bad since we have to do it live which we have never done before! We'll just see how it goes i guess. I think this is my last blog?! so gooood bye 4cast!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

6th blog!

This week I did a story on the boys varsity tennis team. I loved doing it because it was the first time in history that they made it to state! I taped the individual sections tournament and even though I know nothing about tennis, I still thought it was fun and interesting to watch! All of the boys made it to the second round but im not sure how it turned out at the tournament the next day. As a team they have done very well though! Hm..that's it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

5th blog!

The 4cast and Flash had the banquet last night and it was actually fun! I enjoyed seeing the video segments highlighting both the 4cast and the flash throughout the year. The awards were also fun to recieve and acknowledge everyones accomplishments that we work so hard for. I also loved the good bye video for Mr. Krebs that all the alumni made. It was very thoughtful and nice of them to recognize him, not many teachers have their students do that for him and I loved seeing how touched he was by it. I loved that the banquet wasn't just serious but we watched all of the funny parts of it also and my parents were laughing the whole time so I'm glad they made it enjoyable for everyone. Well that's all I have to say about that!

Monday, May 9, 2011

4th blog! may 9th

Today I had to write a review for an article concerning East Asian affairs for my Modern World History class. I was dreading doing the assignment because I was expecting it to be boring and a waste of time. As I searched for an interesting article to write about, I definitely hit the jackpot! It was about a man who used e-book and twitter (Forni's favorite thing in the world) to raise $25,000 for the Japan Red Cross. He asked people through Twitter to send in pictures, stories, art or anything relating to the disaster which he would use as the basis for his book that he would sell and all profits would go to charity. The project was a huge success and he ended up getting around 200 editors, writers, designers and translators to contribute and found a company to sell it online and print it without any extra cost. I found this story very inspiring because this man had no big connections other than his Twitter account. I'm amazed at how simple it can be to help.
So, I have officially let down my guard about Twitter. This definitely changed my mind about it!
Wow Forni, you're right this time! congrats.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 3 blog

Well just last night we were all informed that Osama Bin Laden had been killed and the news stations were covering it for hours before Obama gave his little speech. I thought that they did a very nice job of covering the information and even talking to people other places about the situation in such a short amount of time. The had mini stories already and news casters ready to go, which i think would be very difficult to do with short notice. Although they did intterupt CSI for the night, it was interesting to see the broadcasting that was going on.Well that's my blog for the week!
see yaa

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26th Blog!

It's raining outside right now. And I hate it.
That pretty much sums up how my whole week will be because the news said that it is supposed to continue to rain until friday. FRIDAY. It puts me in a sad and also very crabby mood. My laziness level has also sky rocketed to a personal high because when it's raining my intitial reaction is to plop on my couch and watch movies for hours. This may or may not be afftecting my school work, but most likely, it is. Not only do I not want to get up off of my couch but I also do not appreciate getting up in the morning and looking outside to see the gray clouds hovering over my house because it makes me want to crawl back into bed that much more. It also irritates me having to walk into school hunched over with a bag over my head attempting to not ruin my hair but the rain gets on it anyways, it is evil. Well I'm done venting now. Yay 2nd post! K bye

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday, April 19th. first we go!

This weekend, on Sunday, I went to see the recent school musical- Thoroughly Modern Millie. I don't usually like musicals but the ones here at Eastview always impress me! The muscial told a great story with amazing singing by all characters and humor that even made my stern uncle laugh! Now that's impressive. The costums and set were also great. My favorite character was definitely the asian woman who was the antagonist, but the fake accent was hilarious and put a happy twist on the whole story which otherwise would have been serious. My family and I enjoyed the musical and my parents couldn't stop talking about it even after we got home. I have friends that were a part of the cast and would complain to me about their long hours rehearsing it, but it all paid off!

I feel like I just did a review for a movie for the paper or something. Oh well.