Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday, April 19th. first blog..here we go!

This weekend, on Sunday, I went to see the recent school musical- Thoroughly Modern Millie. I don't usually like musicals but the ones here at Eastview always impress me! The muscial told a great story with amazing singing by all characters and humor that even made my stern uncle laugh! Now that's impressive. The costums and set were also great. My favorite character was definitely the asian woman who was the antagonist, but the fake accent was hilarious and put a happy twist on the whole story which otherwise would have been serious. My family and I enjoyed the musical and my parents couldn't stop talking about it even after we got home. I have friends that were a part of the cast and would complain to me about their long hours rehearsing it, but it all paid off!

I feel like I just did a review for a movie for the paper or something. Oh well.

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