Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26th Blog!

It's raining outside right now. And I hate it.
That pretty much sums up how my whole week will be because the news said that it is supposed to continue to rain until friday. FRIDAY. It puts me in a sad and also very crabby mood. My laziness level has also sky rocketed to a personal high because when it's raining my intitial reaction is to plop on my couch and watch movies for hours. This may or may not be afftecting my school work, but most likely, it is. Not only do I not want to get up off of my couch but I also do not appreciate getting up in the morning and looking outside to see the gray clouds hovering over my house because it makes me want to crawl back into bed that much more. It also irritates me having to walk into school hunched over with a bag over my head attempting to not ruin my hair but the rain gets on it anyways, it is evil. Well I'm done venting now. Yay 2nd post! K bye

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